List for the 6th Standing Council of WAAMA | ||
序号 No. | 姓名 Name | 单位及职务 Organization & Position Held |
1 | 王丽莎 Lisa Wang | 加拿大“启智星”世界儿童潜能开发中心总裁 President of ISTAR Education of Canada |
2 | 欧文汉 Ou Wenhan | 中国珠算心算协会会长 President of Chinese Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Association, China |
3 | 程北平 Cheng Beiping | 中国珠算心算协会常务副会长 Executive Vice President of Chinese Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Association, China |
4 | 聂天声 Nip Tin Sing | 中国香港特别行政区香港国际数学珠算协会会长 President of International Mathematics and Abacus Association, Hong Kong SAR, China |
5 | 萧秋勇 Hsiao, Chiu-Yung | 中国台湾省商业会副理事长兼珠心算数学委员会主任委员 Vice President of Taiwan Chamber of Commerce, Taiwan, China and Chairman of the Mathematical Committee of Abacus and Mental Arithmetic, Taiwan, China |
6 | 林建中 Alexander Kartono Taslim | 印度尼西亚SEMPOA SIP珠心算协会理事长 CEO of SEMPOA SIP Indonesia |
7 | 工藤 寿和 Kudo Toshikazu | 日本公益社团法人全国珠算教育联盟理事长 President of the League for Soroban Education of Japan. Inc., Japan |
8 | 黄志铨 Wong Chee Kein | 马来西亚优仕国际集团运营总监 Operation Director of UCIC SDN.BHD., Malaysia |
9 | 权赫植 Kwon Hyuksik | (社)国际珠算暗算数学协会 世株会韩国委员会副会长 Vice President of Korea Institution of International Abacus and Mathmatics Association, South Korea |
10 | 洛尼 塔黑土阿 Loani Tahitu'a | 汤加珠算教育协会总督学 Chief Inspector of School of Tonga Soroban Education Association, Tonga |
11 | 周雅莉 Sally Chou | 美国中美珠心算学会会长 President of Chinese American Abacus Association, The United States |
Note:The ranking is arranged in alphabetical order of countries and regions.